Generation Y

Defined by Technology
Did generations before us ever think what the future will be like? Have they imagined flying cars and robots? We haven’t yet reached that time where we can fly cars and have robots as pets, but we can easily communicate to a person that lives halfway around the globe, not by just talking but by seeing them in person.   This is how far technology has brought us to this day. Simple and easy, it’s the new way we want everything to function, and use it. People across the globe rely on such technology in their everyday tasks, communicating with the phone, to surfing the web. With such tools of technology the world is shaped into the image we see it today. Technology plays a big role in my life and it helps me live in the world it is today; I can communicate easier in many different ways by using either a cell phone or the Internet, all thanks to the world of technology.  
Cell phones, IPods, computers, and other digital devices are vastly used by Generation Y.   Anywhere and everywhere we notice people using these devices in many different ways. The usage of a cell phone is not limited by just one task which is to call; it has many features to it now, than ten or fifteen years ago.   We all know that an individual can text and call using a cell phone, yet now people can surf the web, download videos, music, as well as photos. They can even chat through webcam on their phone.   This shows how far technology has progressed and is still growing.
I remember being back in sixth grade when all of my friends had a cell phone, back at that time, to own a cell phone meant you were popular. I have dreamed of getting a phone so badly all because I didn’t want to feel like I was left out. The only way I did get one is by pleading my parents multiple times a day for two straight months, convincing them that it would be so much easier to talk to me when I was away from home.   The day finally came when I got my phone, I can’t express how excited I was at that...