Gen105 Research Checkpoint

Skills for Learning in an Information Age
Zina Daniels
March 11, 2011
Sally Rogers

Checkpoint: Online Research

When you are conducting research online versus a traditional library, there are going to be different strategies that are used. Because the Internet is open to anyone with access to it, you have to be certain that the sources found online are valid and copyrighted. In a traditional library the sources there have been reviewed for their authenticity and relevance. As the texts and materials found in a traditional library have authors and editors, you have to screen online material in the same way.
Conducting research online requires you to become familiar with specific search strategies like Boolean and wildcard search strings. Unlike a traditional library in which material is arranged by a standard classification system, the Internet pulls materials from all over the world.   In a traditional library you can do directly to a librarian and ask for help whereas online you have the option of chat or email for assistance. Researching online and in a traditional library can both be done with ease as long as you can be specific with your topic and open your mind to different strategies.
Based on suggestions presented through the tutorial and my own experience, my approach to conducting academic web searches will include using Boolean logic for searches as well as the provided databases. I like to use the databases especially because most of them cater to a specific field and have certain interests at hand.   And I’ll be sure to check the bias and relevancy of the material I find online to rule out any conflict it could cause.