Gen Y

There has been evidence that over the last decade , there has been a huge increase of students in college who harassed their professors for higher grades stating that their current grade are not sufficient and has an expectation of their professors to accommodate them (Chen et. al 2007).  
Dr. Jean Twenge did a study on 16,400 students who took the Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI) between the years of 1982 and 2006.   The NPI asks 40 questions that the person taking the test would choose either A or B.   For example: A) I am a born leader or B) Leadership is a quality that takes a long time to develop.   At the end of it, there is a key that you would or would not receive a point for your answer.   The average score is 15.3 (Jayson, 2009).   In 1982, only a third was over the average, within the last couple of years, it has increased to 65 % (Aspen Education, 2009).  
In this paper, it will show a direct correlation between how the baby-boomer parents (also know as helicopter parents) who raised this generation and the negative characteristics of Generation Y.   It will also show how some people are looking at this generation in a more positive light because of some of the contributions that they are expecting them to make.  
The issues related to this generation have had a direct impact on the human services field due to how this population views itself as well as how they view other people.  
In an article by Chen, Farruggia, Greenberger and Lessard (2007) states that a sense of entitlement can cause additional maladaptive traits such as greed, lack of forgiveness, being socially problematic and increased aggression.   Another issue that is causing concern is the lack of responsibility that this generation has exhibited.   Due to many of their parents dealing with issues for them, they have not had a need to take responsibility, especially financially.  
A study done by Adler, Barry, Frick and Grafeman (2006), has found that narcissism is...