
“ Fire, Forks and Fridges, the evolution of cooking techniques, skills and tools”

Approximately 10000 years ago, man lived by hunting and picking fruit. The amount of energy man needed those days was enormous. They not only had to deal with immense physical demands but also their living conditions where dangerous, keeping the extreme weather condition in mind! One of the oldest cooking methods is “pit baking”. “Pit baking” is basically an earth oven, which is formed by digging a hole in the ground. Using the warmth of burning stones slow cooking was made possible. (Sukhadwala 2012)

Since the increase of energy needed people started to heat their food, as 100 percent will be metabolized by the body, where raw food only provide 40 percent of their nutrients.
By using fire to prepare food, the increase in nutrients and therefore the better eating experience, saved our prehistoric forefathers time in searching food and therefore time could be created to develop the brains and new cooking technologies. (Mott et al. 2012)

At the beginning of the 19th century, food preservation reached a major breakthrough.
The relationship between microorganisms and food spoilage became clear and from there on canning, freezing, and drying your food was a new method to make food last longer.
Especially for the soldiers those days, food preservation was an invention of great importance. (Barksdale 2014)This way of preserving food leads me to the “microwave’ and “fast-food” generation, where spending time on cooking and the use of fresh products seems less important due to the “busy” lives we live.
Microwaves were invented by the Nazi’s in order to provide a method of cooking for their troops during World War II. Seeing as though, these microwave ovens have been experimental and new, the US War Department was assigned to research these new devices shortly after the war. Outcomes of this study were that the importance of various vitamins and minerals, all of the studies...