French Revolution

The 1789 french revolution

The 1789 French revolution was, to a certain extent, caused by the despotic ruling style of king Louis XVI. However, the 1789 revolution had multiple other reasons for its occurrence. Among the many catalysts for the beginning of the revolution, financial crisis, the innovative ideology known as the enlightenment and the war in America significantly influenced and contributed to the revolution and its success.

Firstly, the despotic way in which king Louis ruled ultimately caused the french public to lose support for the french monarchy, and as a result conceptualize revolutionary ideas. Louis XVI made many decisions as a leader, most of which disregarded the well being of his people and separated him from them in a very distinct way. France was governed by Louie from a magnificent, thousand-room palace of Versailles, 18km outside of Paris. He rarely left his palace and made no effort to make contact with the people he was governing. Another reason for the common dislike of the king was his weak governing style and his spontaneous decision making. An example of this is Louis sealed letter policy. This policy involved the issuing of letters by the kings ministers for the exile or imprisonment of those addressed. This meant that the king or his ministers had the power to exile or imprison anybody that they wanted or needed to, sometimes for unnecessary reasons. As stated by H.R Cowie (Revolutions in the modern world, 1979, p. 15) “The country was ruled under personal despotism”. This quote clearly indicates and highlights Louis dictatorial ruling style and how it contributed to the 1789 french revolution.

Although the despotic ruling of king Louis majorly fueled the beginning of the revolution, it was the development of   new controversial and innovative ways of thinking which in the end resulted in the eruption of revolt. This new common ideology, known as the enlightenment, helped the middle class citizens of France, such as the...