Frankenstein and Blade Runner Essay

In contemplating Module A you have considered both Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein and Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner in their respective contexts and compared their values, ideas and language forms and features.

How has this process help you come to a heightened understanding of the meaning and significance of each text.

Most certainly, comparing texts and different contextual concerns adds significant value to one’s understanding of the individual texts and their central themes. Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein (1818) and Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner (1992) explore similar themes from different contexts and genres. In Frankenstein the contextual concerns of the questioning of Man versus God, and the values of the Industrial Revolution are raised whilst, the film Blade Runner, explores the emerging technological advancement in the late 20th Century. This is significantly influenced by contemporary scientific discoveries and by particular social and religious concerns. Ultimately, while each text has value by itself, responders can better appreciate the significance of these texts through a comprehensive comparison.

Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein was written in the context where the society was concerned with the consequence of unrestrained scientific developments. During the time, Shelley was exposed to experiments in galvanism (originated from Luigi Galvani who was interested in how muscles move through the power of electricity). The language and form used in portrayal of these ideas reflects Shelley’s attitude towards the emerging technology. For example, evocative imagery is employed to create a vivid image of a “...lustrous black” haired “yellow skinned” monster which “scarcely covered the work of muscles and arteries beneath..” This description continues, conveying a detailed idea of the horrific image of the monster, whilst establishing a strong aura of death and despair around this scientific advancement. The imagery of the “dead corpse” and repetitious use of...