
When I first started reading about all of the unimaginable horrific crimes committed during the Holocaust, and the torture that went on in the concentration camps, my first reaction was how could human beings commit these atrocities against each other. “While imprisoned in a Nazi concentration camp, Simon Wiesenthal was taken one day from his work detail to the bedside of a dying member of the SS.   Haunted by the crimes in which he had participated, the soldier wanted to confess to—and obtain absolution a Jew”(Wiesenthal back cover).   My first gut reaction was not to forgive the dying SS man.   Then I honestly started thinking about Simon Wiesenthal’s question, “What would I have done” (98).   I believe that you can forgive the crime committed against you without forgetting it.
So I started thinking about the morals, values and beliefs that I was taught as a child.   We are all still human beings and should treat each other with respect and as you would want them to treat you.   I was taught and still believe that we are all created equal and that no one is any better than anyone else, no matter what nationality, sexual orientation, political or religious views that they have.      
Hill 2
I also learned a valuable lesson back in March of 2010, when my fiancé, Donald, passed away on Spring Break.   At the time of his death, his best friend and him had been in an argument about a week before and were not speaking.   Upon finding out that Donald was in the hospital and may not live, he stated, “I hope he dies.”   Never in a million years did this friend think that Donald would die, but it hurt me deeply when he said this and then three days later Donald passed.   I was very angry at this person for a long time.   But long story short, I forgave the friend because Donald was a very forgiving person.   Forgiveness for me helps me live my life the way that Donald would want me to.  
In my opinion, as long as I harbor hate in my heart and am not a forgiving individual, I am...