Foreshadowing in a Rose for Emily

Foreshadowing in A Rose for Emily
William Faulkner’s short story, “A Rose for Emily” shows a lot of events that foreshadow the finding of Homer Baron’s corpse. Emily meets Homer after her father dies and she starts dating him. They had been dating for a while when suddenly he disappears. There are several events that take place which gives the reader clues leading up to his death such as the foul odor coming from Emily’s mansion and she purchases poison and gives no reason for buying it.
Emily meets Homer and he charms her with his personality. He takes her for drives every Sunday in a yellow buggy. The nosey townspeople are putting together their own interpretation of the two of them by saying that they must be about to get married. When Homer disappears the townspeople speculate that he has abandon Emily. One night an eyewitness says he seen Homer going into Emily’s house. In the story no one mentions that they seen him leave the house. This is another way that Faulkner gives the reader a clue of his death. Faulkner said just enough for the reader to believe either he abandoned Emily or he died.
Homer disappears from the town for awhile and then returns long after his work there was done. People speculated that he went off to prepare for Emily while she got rid of her arrogant cousins who were visiting her. Once her cousins leave he comes back and is seen entering her house but never leaves. This is foreshadowing because the reader doesn’t know if he came there that night to tell Emily that he didn’t want to see her anymore, or if she killed him because she didn’t want him to ever leave her.
At the beginning of the story the townspeople are complaining about a foul odor that is radiating from Emily’s house. At the end of the story, the reader finds out that for thirty years Emily has kept Homer’s body locked away in an upstairs room; and this is the reason that her house was giving off a spoiled smell. The neighbors complain to the judge, but the judge...