
The Beginner’s Guide
to Security Cameras

The Point of Security Cameras.................................................3
Uses for Security Cameras.......................................................5
Types of Security Cameras.......................................................6
Tips for placing security cameras.............................................9
Maintaining Security Cameras...............................................10
Security Companies Offering Security Cameras.....................11
A Word on Fake Security Cameras.........................................12
About SafeWise......................................................................14


Security cameras can be a powerful force against burglars.
Just the sight of security cameras might scare off an intruder,
because criminals don’t want to be seen or leave behind evidence. If your home is burglarized, security cameras can help
police identify and find the burglar, and retrieve your stolen
possessions. Aside from helping to prevent burglaries, security cameras can help you simplify your life and take control of
your home.


The Point of Security Cameras
If you already have a security system, it may seem redundant to also have security cameras.
After all, if a security system is supposed to keep out intruders in the first place, ideally, you
wouldn’t have to use cameras to catch any burglars. Unfortunately, intruders can still break
into your home, even when you have a security system. Beyond security surveillance, there are
many other uses for security cameras, such as seeing who’s at your door or checking up on kids
or pets. Let’s take a closer look at some of the instances in which security cameras have been
useful in theft cases.
