
On Fidelity in Chinese-English Translation
Faithfulness is one of the criterias highly respected in the translation industry, the consistent pursuit of translators. This thesis is going to give a brief analysis of the principle of fidelity and discuss its absoluteness.

The principle of fidelity
Although the principle of fidelity is not well-defined yet, many view points are worth learning. So what does "fidelity" refers to?

Generally speaking, the principle is that fidelity should be based on content and form from the original, emphasized in a full range. "Fidelity "refers to using the target language to express the source language, keeping with the equivalence of the original. It has two meanings:One is formal correspondence. In order to reproduce the information in the expression of target language and to express information in the form similar to the original language, words and sentences, structure, rhetoric, style are all similar to the original; the other is meaning equivalence, which requires translation to have the same deletion as the original in content, and there is no change phenomenon. Nida, American translation theorist, once said that the real translation was to use the most appropriate and the most natural language to equivalently convey the information in the original language; first content, then the form.

Literal and free translation are two basic methods. Their purpose is to faithfully express the ideological content of the original, and reproduce the artistic effect. Literal translation is not only to maintain the original content but also to maintain the original form . Free translation, is only to maintain the original content, and does not keep the original form. If the translation and the original language have the same form of language to reflect the same content, and can produce the same effect, adopting literal translation would be better.

Here are two aspects that fidelity finds express in:

One is that a...