Extended Response

Assignment 1

What you have to do

Area of Study: Discovery

Assignment 1 will prepare you for Paper 1 in the HSC examination where you will need to answer questions on the Area of Study: Discovery.

The paper will consist of three sections. There will be:

    • ONE question based on unseen texts related to the Area of Study. This question will consist of a number of short response parts.
    • ONE question where you will be required to compose or adapt a text for a specified context, purpose and/or audience.
    • ONE question based on the Area of Study and your prescribed text, along with related texts. This question will require an extended response.

The prescribed text used by OTEN students for this question is Swallow the Air by Tara June Winch.

You will also need to refer to related texts relevant to the concept of Discovery. There are many useful texts in your OTEN learning resources and on the OLS but you should collect a range of texts of your own choosing as well.

You will be assessed on this Area of Study in Assessment Task 1. It is therefore important to send in this assignment to your teacher to be marked before the end of March.

There are THREE tasks to complete for this assignment. All three tasks are compulsory. If you are posting your assignment to OTEN, remember to attach the Marks Record Slip and this question sheet which includes your teacher’s checklist.

NOTE: Please do not send in the exercises and self-assessment activities in your learning resource. You can use them as practice questions and check your answers with the Suggested responses to activities at the end of each section, but they will not be marked if you send them to OTEN.

Task 1 – 25 marks

Creative response

Think of a time in your life when you experienced a sense of discovery.

Create a fictional narrative describing the occasion. You should also try to convey the feelings experienced by the narrator or main...