Explain Why It Is Important to Meet Individual Needs of Learners

Reflective Journal 1
2.1: Explain why it is important to meet individual needs of learners
The Professional Standards as set out by the ETF (2014) state it is a teacher’s responsibility to reflect on what works best in their teaching and learning to meet the diverse needs of learners.
Any group that we teach will contain a diverse mix of learners with their own particular backgrounds, capabilities, previous experience and confidence levels. As a teacher it is important to demonstrate an ‘inclusive practice’, engaging in an approach to teaching and learning that endeavours to encourage the fullest participation of learners and that recognises and respect equality and diversity (Duckworth and Tummons, 2010, cited in Gould and Reffey – Barensten, 2014). We can do this through having an understanding of differentiation strategies.
Through the use of initial assessments, that provide information of student goals, individual learning profiles (ILP), previous grades and other support requirements such as dyslexia support required allows teachers with the knowledge to ensure that every student is provided with a strategic plan that informs both the teacher and learner where they can best focus their attention and energy.

It is always important as a teacher to ensure professionalism and to be ensure that all learners are felt there contribution would be valued and opinions respected in line with the Equality Act (2010).

  * Improving engagement
  * Improving attainment
  * Blended learning

Possible deliver modes for teachers (Gould and Roffey - Barensten, 2014)

VAK and Gregorc (Gould and Roffey – Barensten, 2014)
Styles of VARK
Planning SOW and lesson plans based on formative assessment through reflective practice models.  

Within the more difficult modules we have tutorial times allocated within the timetable to allow feedback time with students. Students have a choice of individual and group feedback where information is provided in...