Explain the Teaching Role in Construction Education and Learning

Students Name: Signed: Date:
Assignment 1 Question 1

1 - Describe what your role, responsibilities and boundaries would be as a teacher in terms of the teaching training cycle.

I am trainer and preparing to teach various subjects, learners may be from a wide range of occupations and backgrounds.

Prior to Training
The candidate prior to the course will have completed a knowledge review from which I can prepare a training needs analysis, any paperwork / pre-course information will be send to the learner, it’s the I also take into account   budgeting   it is my responsibility to   analyse the paperwork and create an initial assessment, I can now plan my course planning for any special needs, preparing any sign posting that may arise ground rules can now be considered, from this I can plan my course and rehearse to prepare for the teaching session
I check the venue/room that is to be used, making sure that the room is comfortable and ambiguous and meets any special needs, the venue can be a boundary and the best way to use it is the responsibility of the tutor.

The day would be affected taking account of the relevant information gathered during initial assessment. My role at the start of each lesson is to state a clear aim and the lesson objectives, also health and safety and equality matters, it is my responsibility that the learner has a clear understanding of what the session topic is and that the learner understands the learning objectives. I must prepare any resources and materials needed. Enough handouts and power point presentation tested, working and ready to run,
As students develop better understanding of aims and objectives their needs change and this must be reflected in continual reassessment, it is the teachers responsibility   to monitor, evaluate and improve the quality and effectiveness of their delivery by taking into account learners changing needs.

Troublesome learners can be a problem with this in mind I need to...