Explain the Current, National, Local, Professional and Organisational Requirements That Relate to Their Role

Explain the current, national, local, professional and organisational requirements that relate to their role

Equal Opportunities, Health and Safety and Confidentiality Data Protection

what are the relevant local, national, professional and organisational requirements relating to

1) Equal Opportunities
2) Health and Safety
3) Confidentiality and Data Protection
4) Discrimination
5) Security

The Disability Discrimination Act (2010)-employers must make adjustments to people with disabilities to overcome their barrier.

The Equality Act (2010) Disallows discrimination on basis of religion or belief
Employment Equality (Age) regulations (2006)- prohibits discrimination of age in education or vocational training

The Equality Act 2010 replaces previous legislation and prohibits discrimination in terms of age, race, disability, religion, belief and sexual orientation.

Health and Safety Legislation - laws in the workplace (2011) every employer shall make suitable and sufficient assessment of:   “the risks to the health and safety of his employees to which they are exposed whilst at work, and the risks to ensure the health and safety of persons not in his employment arising out of or in connection with the conduct by him or his undertaking."

It is my responsibility   that clients and visitors are made aware of the layout of the venue including fire exits and fire drills. also covered under this legislation is first aid. It is necessary to have a trained first aider in the organisation. It is expected of me to be aware of the room layout, It is also important to monitor the behaviour of clients and any misuse of equipment within the health and safety requirements of the Trust. This is to ensure the clients safety in the venue and their safety in the workplace.

Equal Opportunities
Protect the rights of individuals to provide equality and opportunity and it prevents unfair treatment. The act prevents discrimination and if it occurs there are...