Explain How Disability May Affect Development (3.3)

If they have a physical disability, it may affect how they interact with their peers if they become withdrawn and/or isolated. It may also affect their behavioural development if they become angry and frustrated.
Sometimes fit people can think that disabled people aren’t able to do certain activities thereby limiting them to what we feel they can do. As professionals working with children we should provide equal opportunity and not restrict the child only to activities we feel they are capable of doing.

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Socially and in terms of stereotyping, low expectations - 50 years back buildings were not accessible for wheelchair users therefore social interactions for disabled people were limited   i.e. work, entertainment, school, transport, higher education.
Practitioners should to their best attempt to include disabled children and young people in normal activities. But there are practitioners who sometimes have low expectations because they may have specific learning needs, this will rub off on the child. This will lead to lack of motivation in participating and achieving. They will have little sense of self worth and feel rejected as they feel they are being separated from the group; this will cause the social and emotional development to delay as they are not socialising with their peers and their emotions will take a knock too.
Medically - disabled person was labelled by their illness or medical condition. If they did not fit into society then they were institutionalised or kept isolated at home. A disabled person had no options over school they attended, support they received, if they were allowed to work or not.

Culturally - how people bring up their children can differ from country to country. Lots of children are restricted in many areas of development depending which country they live in. For example, in Arabic countries girls are worth less than boys - this can affect the self esteem and self worth of these girls.
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