Example of Critical Issue in Early Years

Examples of critical issues in the early years

Childcare and education
Children’s centres and fathers
Children’s Plan
Developing independent learning/ metacognition in the early years
Developing race awareness
Dyslexia and labelling children
Effective parental partnership
Effects of post natal depression
Emotional intelligence
Every child a talker (ECAT) – the importance of language and communication
Every parent matters
Extended schools
Gypsy, Romany and Traveller children
Identity and self esteem
Involving boys
Involving children in their assessment
Language and communication delay
Learning journeys
Libraries and partnerships in the early years
Listening to children
Lone parents
Men in the early years
Mental health in the early years
Modern foreign languages in the early years
Multiculturalism in the early years
Obesity and health issues in the early years
Outdoor play debates
Parents in prison

Politics in the nursery
Primary review
Professionalism in the early years
Quality in the early years
Racism in the early years
Refugee and Asylum Seeking Children in the Early Years
Risk-taking and play
Safeguarding policy
Same sex couples adopting children
School readiness
Sex education in the early years
Social stratification
Social and emotional aspects of development
Socio-economic issues
Supporting bilingualism
Supporting gifted and talented children in the early years
Sure start
Sustainable schools for a sustainable future;
Synthetic phonics
The effects of childhood cancer on young children and their families
Toxic trio (or any one of them!)
Underachievement and gender
Underachieving boys?
What influence does living in poverty have on children’s SEAL (Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning)?