Evolution vs. Intelligent Design

There has always been a long standing debate as to how we (living organisms) got to Earth, and how there is such a great variety of organisms currently living on Earth. Recently, a bill forbidding the teaching of creationism in public schools reignited this debate into the theory of natural selection and intelligent design. While both of these explanations try to explain the same event, they have exorbitantly different ideas as to how the current living organisms came to be. These different explanations of how life came to be, have caused much disputes in many areas such as politics and education, although there might not really be much of a debate on it once you are informed of what each idea really is and what they each have to support them and what is against them.
In the theory of natural selection, it is stated that the immense variety of living organisms currently on Earth arose out of millions of years of evolution. This theory states that small, insignificant mutations in each generation of an organism that helps that organism survive leads to the much grander changes that we can see today in a fish and a human. These changes can result from genetic mutations as a way which better fits the organism’s survival needs and therefore leads to more offspring with this mutation, while the rest of the normal organisms slowly die out and either become extinct or stay the same, something that can be called survival of the fittest. The theory of natural selection was first published and released to the scientific community by Charles Darwin in his book “On the origin of species” and although it was thought of before, it had never been formally presented as a scientific theory with evidence before Darwin. The theory of natural selection is also commonly believed in in combination with abiogenesis, the idea that life can come from nonliving structures such as amino acids, but not always and is still common within religious individuals too.
On the other hand,...