Event Facilities

Individual Research Report
Managing Event Facilities – EVE 301
Anna Tran - 201312837
Individual Research Report - to enable students to demonstrate an understanding of the key building systems and the implications for managing event facilities

Individual Assessment Cover Sheet / Plagiarism Declaration Form

This form must be completed and included with each assessment you submit for marking to the School. Although this assessment is submitted electronically, you must still complete and include this form with your assessment.  
Student Number: | 201312837 |
Unit Code No.: | EVE301 |
Unit Title: | Managing Event Facilities |
Assessment No.: | 1 |
Lecturer: | Jennifer Davey |
Submission Date: | Tuesday 11 August 2015 |


I have read the School’s Policy on Plagiarism and Improper Conduct and all the materials pertaining to plagiarism.

I declare that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, this assessment is my own work, all sources have been properly acknowledged, and the assessment contains no plagiarism.

I further declare that I have not previously submitted this work or any version of it for assessment in any other unit or award offered by the School, or any other institution, without first ensuring that an explicit provision has been made and that I have obtained written permission from the Deputy Head of School for doing so. (Documentation supporting this provision MUST be attached.)

I have submitted this assessment to Turnitin.com and I am aware that the School may act upon the Turnitin result, to determine whether an incident of plagiarism has occurred.

I understand that this assessment is the intellectual property of BMIHMS. I will not circulate or publish this assessment without prior consent from BMIHMS.

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