
December 9, 2012
Don Yost

The United States is a very diverse society. There are many different racial, cultural, and ethnical groups that reside in the U.S. It has increased over time and has become a little more accepting throughout history. However not everyone is as accepting as others would like them to be. There is still prejudice and discrimination in the United States. It has lesson over the years and there have been laws and policies to help protect individuals against it. I think that it will keep getting better but I do not for see it completely vanishing. With enough education and with individuals setting positive examples I can see improvement over time. However there will always be individuals who will not ever accept differences.

        I have learned that the United States is a very diverse country. There are several aspects of diversity. There are many races, cultures, and ethnicities in the United States.   I have always been open-minded and have never judged someone by their differences. There are many ways that individuals can be different. So many individuals fear anything that is different and judge others by their differences. In my opinion individuals should be judged on their character. Unfortunately this is not the case. So many individuals are judge by race, culture, or ethnic background. There are many individuals that are hated simply because of their differences. It is more common than many realizes. There is even discrimination in the business fields, such as individuals are refused work because of their race. Companies have ways of covering it up to look like other reasons. More and more it is simply swept under the rug so to speak. I have always got to know individuals before deciding if I like them or not. In my opinion it is only fair. I do not want someone to judge me by my sexuality instead of getting to know me as an individual. Therefore I do not judge others or discriminate against them simply because they are...