Eth/125 Ethnics Group and Discrimination

The ethnic group that I decided to conduct research on would have to be the Native Americans, because I would have to say that I belong more to that group than any other ethnic group listed.   According to, the human species evolved in Africa and began migrating from there to other parts of the world more than 70 thousand years ago. Some of them reached East Asia more than 40 thousand years ago and some kept on going across the Bering Strait to the Americas, perhaps along the coast by boat.   The first ancestors of the Native Americans reached North America at least 20 thousand years ago and possibly much earlier. Others kept coming in waves from Asia, the most recent arriving perhaps 3 or 4 thousand years ago.   Some other humans from Africa reached Europe about 40 thousand years and their descendants began coming across the Atlantic Ocean to the Americas about 500 years ago. All of this was long before the United States was formed. When the white man first landed on the east coast they pushed Native Americans back with peace treaties, trade agreements and if that failed, violence. Native Americans were seen as savages due to their lifestyles and were forced to the outer edges of cities. They were blamed for white deaths which caused many violent clashes. Later on when Americans saw the potential for land expansion they just started pushing aggressively by any means possible. According to, “the Native American people have suffered greatly due to discriminatory acts by the white populations of America.”   “In the early years of the United States of America, the people viewed the Native Americans as savages, and believed them to be a danger to the white population, therefore Native Americans were killed in large numbers on a routine basis.” “Since that time they have frequently still been considered savages by many and have been viewed as uneducated and alcoholics.” “Discrimination is still common, but we need to find a way to...