

There are no specific legislative drivers to encourage better performance in terms of sustainable lending or project finance.  However, several voluntary standards and sets of principles exist and are gaining steam in the business marketplace.  Examples include the Equator Principles ( , World Bank IFC Guidelines, Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Finance Sector Guidelines (, and even Securities and Exchange Commission federal reporting requirements.  Leading international finance and local banking institutions have signed on to many of these guidelines, which are rapidly becoming the “norm” in the banking industry.

V Sloveniji in svetu še ni posebnih zakonodajnih platform za spodbujanje k   boljšemu delovanje v smislu trajnostnega razvoja bank ( trajnostna posojila ali projektno financiranje). Vendar pa obstaja nekaj prostovoljnih standardov in načel, ki se jih finančne institucije vedno bolj poslužujejo. Primeri vključujejo načela Equator (, smernice Svetovne banke IFC, Global Reporting Initiative (GRI - Finance Sector Guidelines), zahteve različnih agencij (Securities and Exchange Commission) in nenazadnje nedavna sprejeti standardi za družbeno odgovorno ravannje   ISO 26000.
Vodilne mednarodne finance in lokalne bančne ustanove privzemajo   mnoge od teh smernic, ki tako   hitro postajajo   "norma" v bančnem sektorju.
My company’s approach to ‘green’ banking focuses not only on helping our clients find the obvious ‘low hanging fruit’ as I noted earlier, but get to the “core” risk management success factors that can make or break a bank:
  * Sustainability focused operations procedures & policies;
  * Value-added bank loan/credit risk management tools and sustainability scoring indices, leading...