Err Health and Social Care

Health and Social Care
Award in Employment Responsibilities and Rights in Health, Social Care and Children and Young People’s Settings

Learner Name | |
Start Date | |
Planned Target Date | |
Assessor Name | |

Introduction to Employment Rights and Responsibilities
The Employment Rights and Responsibilities (ERR) in Health and Social Care or Children and Young People's Settings has been specifically designed to meet the requirements of the employee rights and responsibilities qualification component .

The Award in Employment Responsibilities and Rights in Health, Social Care and Children and Young People’s Settings assesses learners’ knowledge and understanding of the health, social care and children and young people’s sector and their role within it.

It covers:
  * statutory responsibilities and rights of employees and employers
  * awareness of own occupational role and how it fits within the sector agreed ways of working with employers
  * career pathways
  * issues of public concern and how these may influence changes in the sector
There are a range of questions that must be answered in full to achieve this qualification.
This award has been mapped in to other areas of the framework and will support your development and understanding of the work environment where you are.
The workbook contains a wide range of resources and will signpost you to your own employment regulations and websites for further information.

Please speak to your assessor for additional help, advice and guidance.
Contracts and written statements of employment terms and Conditions
  * The relationship between employer and employee is governed by the terms and conditions within a contract of employment.
  * Employment contracts are legally binding on both employer and employee and serve to protect their rights and responsibilities.
  * A contract of employment comes into force as soon as a firm offer of employment has been made and...