Equality and Diversity


In this discussion, I will think myself as the teacher and try to explain how to promote equality in a classroom through four main points : entitlement, equality, inclusion, diversity and differentiation.

My aim is to pass on my knowledge onto a certain subject. To do so, I need students. They are entitled to be given the opportunity to attend a course they chose. After subscribing, they expect a good quality course and it is my duty to make sure all students are satisfied and enjoy their education, their new horizons.

This is when I think about equality. It is simply unthinkable to disagree on someone's subscription because of his or her race, religion or disability for instances – the equality Act 2010. A student could miss a course for instance, whether for illness or religious reasons. To avoid their delay, I can organise a blog where I can leave the summing up   or create some binomials during the first sessions and establish them as a kind of support for each others.

This is a good way to include everyone in the course and to create group activities such as little improvised plays, or games (neither yes or no game that forces the student to make sentences). I can also organise assignment to verify their understanding of the course and may-be for later on, to push them to participate a bit more in the course if needed.

Having a very diverse class is a real luck : wherever the student come from, there would always be occasions to value their differences by comparing and sharing the popular wisdoms. Learning another language is to open yourself to the rest of the world or at least, to something different and so to better understand your neighbour. Teaching French for instance to English speakers could sound much more doable than to a group of different native (and only) languages. I could think about a fully immersed course with French speaking only (plus...