Equality and Diversity

Please take a look at the following scenarios and analyse whether you believe discrimination has taken place, what legislation could be used for appeal and what could be done to prevent this discriminatory practice from happening again.
(Unit 03: 1.3)
Scenario | Possible Discrimination | What legislation could be used for appeal | What could be put in place to stop this happening again |
Joan aged 63 has applied for a post as care assistant.   Joan has previous experience in this area but is not offered an interview.   On asking why, Joan was advised she does not meet the essential criteria for the role because of her age | Age Discrimination | Age Discrimination ActEqual Opportunities Act | We could have a Equality diversity and inclusion policy and a meeting with relevant staff as to who is responsaible overall for the policy and make sure its implelmented throughout the Home. As a Deputy promote positive ageing and the contribution all staff can make regardless of age. And look to promote their skills and knowledge and their positive life skills. |
Ingrid has a long standing disability and uses a wheelchair.   Ingrid is required to attend meetings for the care company she works for on the second floor of the building.   The building is old and has no lift.   Ingrid finds being carried upstairs humiliating and distressing and therefore has stopped attending the meetings.   Her manager is adamant she needs to attend. | Disability discrimination | Equality Act | Try and help by removing the physical barrier look to change the meeting room to a suitable location ie the ground floor. Look at how it would help the building and staff who use it by installing a lift. Think of all other options available eg Conferance call where she could still be part of the meeting but didnt have to actaully be in the building.Train all involed about dignity and respect as the way Ingrid was treated was defintely not in a dignified way. |
Yusef attends a day centre.   Whilst...