Environmental Benifits and Challenges of Urbanization

Environmental benefits and Challenges of Urbanization Anthony Eugene Rogers SR Apr 28, 2013     Urbanization is the transformation of a rural areas into urban society, this involves the increase in the number of people in urban areas during a particular year.   Urbanization is the outcome of social, economic, and political developments that lead to urban concentration and growth of large cities, changes in land use, and transformation from rural to metropolitan pattern of organization and governance.   Natural population increases due to high birth rate rather than high death rates migration and immigration are significant factors in the growth of our cities and the development of countries.   This increase results from improved medical care, sanitation, and improved food supplies.   This reduces the death rate and causes growth in the population. Urbanization could benefit our environment if the city is well- planned and laid out properly, urbanization will lessen the over- all pollution levels, and then we could preserve our surrounding areas.   Urban areas can provide the means for less vehicle use such as walking bike   paths, and local bus routes can be set up to provide transportation at the most optimal times of the day.   People could also start carpooling, because people who work in the same areas in town could switch driving duties amongst themselves.   This will save on fuel consumption and air pollution as well. A well planned urban area could also allow for the surrounding habitats to be unchanged, because there will be little are no reason to expand.   Even though urbanization has its benefits to the environment it could cause many problems as well.   Poverty levels, high unemployment rates, and housing are some of...