English Speach- Death of a Salesman

Year 11 Advanced English
Assessment Task Three

(sitting down at a table about to play a game of cards)
It's not the same with only one player you know, I still don't blame Willy he was obsessed with the dream, a dream that was not rightfully suited to him. He was still chasing that dream even though it had given up on him long ago. Biff understood this more than anyone, maybe even Willy himself. When we were talking at the funeral Biff said 'He had all the wrong dreams' further showing how much he did know about his Father, even though Willy would not except this but rather thought he was   being spiteful towards him. It's Willy's loss of recognition in his dream to become a successful salesman like Dave Singleman that ultimately brings himself to commit suicide.

It's tragic that Willy didn't follow the dream into a profession that was more suited to his natural ability as a   Carpenter, all of the signs were there. Even though he wouldn't admit it Willy enjoyed working with his hands, he had completed many renovations on his house trying to fix it up over the years. Once again Biff proves that he knows more about Willy than anyone one else in the play by providing an analysis of his father at the funeral, 'there's more of him in that front stoop than in all the sales he ever made'. Biff realises that his father lived a life of illusion and implies that his father wasted his life as an unsuccessful salesman, and should of spent it in a profession that he was good at and could take pride in. Willy wasted so much of his life trying to live his false dream that he was blinded by other alternatives.

Willy foreshadows his suicide during his final conversation with me when I say, 'After all the highways, the trains, the appointments, and the years, you end up worth more dead than alive'. Willy truly believes that what he is doing is best for his family, by taking his own life, his family will receive a twenty thousand dollar insurance policy which he believes...