Employer Organisation

Employer Organisations Vary from those that supply goods and services to those that manufacture goods, some make profits to satisfy their shareholders whilst others are non-profit making
There are 3 Sectors Private   Public Voluntary
All have legal obligations of insurance, employment law, consumer protection & reporting of finances
Private Sector -
Is directly or indirectly privately owned . They may be:
• Sole trader – One exclusive owner of the business   (owns all profits after tax and is liable for all losses and debts of the business with risks to their property)
• Partnership - Two or more individuals who are equally and personally liable for debts from the business & profits are shared equally e.g. accountants, solicitors, veterinary surgeries
• Limited company -   Owners are legally responsible for its debts but only to the extent of the amount of capital they invested and are separate from personal finances. Must submit accounting statements on an ongoing basis. e.g. independent retailer in a market town
• Public limited company PLC– a company with shares offered to the general public with limited liability i.e. only the amount paid for the shares. Thus owned by   the shareholders. ( must be registered as a company,   publish financial records , hold AGMs and any Director reappointments or new lose appointments are voted in e.g. B & M, Next, Amazon, Pets at Home
Public Companies - These organisations are largely funded by central or local government through public and business taxes and are set up and managed by government ministries and departments who in return influence their policies and strategies. E.g. police, council, education, NHS and they provide a service to the public
Voluntary Sector - are usually non-profit making or charities they often have strong principles and beliefs and are not motivated to make a profit but benefit the public. (funded by donations ,selling products and services and sometimes funding from local councils e.g. Oxfam...