Employee Engagement

Factors Leading to Employee Engagement

Studies have shown that there are some critical factors which lead to Employee
engagement. Some of them identified are;
Leadership – Respectful Treatment of Employees
Successful organizations show respect for each employee’s qualities and contribution –
regardless of their job level.
Leadership – Company’s Standards of Ethical Behaviour
A company’s ethical stand ards also lead to engagement of an individual
Employees want to be involved in decisions that affect their work. The leaders of highengagement workplaces create a trustful and challenging environment, in which
employees are encouraged to dissent from the prevailing orthodoxy and to input and
innovate to move the organization forward.
How much employees are prepared to endorse the products and services which their
company provides its customers depends largely on their perceptions of the quality of
those goods and services. High levels of employee engagement are inextricably linked
with high levels of customer engagement.
Career Development- Opportunities for Personal Development
Organizations with high levels of engagement provide employees with opportunities to
develop their abilities, learn new skills, acquire new knowledge and realise their potential. When companies plan for the career paths of their employees and invest in them in this way their people invest in them.
Career Development – Effective Management of Talent
Career development influences engagement for employees and retaining the most talented employees and providing opportunities for personal development.
Leadership- Clarity of Company Values
Employees need to feel that the core values for which their companies stand are unambiguous and clear.

Other factors
Equal Opportunities and Fair Treatment
The employee engagement levels would be high if their bosses (superiors) provide equal
opportunities for growth and advancement to all the employees