Economic Revolution Mid-18th

Economic Revolution Mid-18th  

Adam smith ( 1732 – 90 ) , the kindly , brilliant founder of the classical school was born in the
seaport and manufacturing town of Kirkaldy, Scotland . he studied moral and political
science and languages at Balliol College , Oxford . Smith began delivering public lectures in
1748 at Edinburgh   after that he was elected professor of logic at Glasgow College in 1751.

His contribution to the development of economic since ( especially when we look at the
influence which his views and work exerted upon the moulding   of future economic thought
and policy ) cannot be over-estimated. The seeds of later development are found in his theory
the Moral Sentiments and his book Wealth of the Nations ,which was published in 1776.
His moral philosophy is a part of the development of 18th-century British thought that arose as a reaction to Hobbes "selfish system". this in my point of view will rise a conflict between individuals , and in a way or another it will not preserve the society and save it from disruption, and the way to save it from disruption is intervention by the government

the Moral Sentiments :

The moral of sentiments went through 6 editions during smith , which represent his later
ideas sympathy that overcomes selfishness .Smith critically examines the moral thinking of his
time, and suggests that conscience arises from social relationships .He tried to explain the
source of mankind's ability to form moral judgements , in spite of man's natural
inclinations towards self-interest. Smith proposes a theory of sympathy, in which the act of
observing others makes people aware of themselves and the morality of their own behavior.

He discussed the ethical forces that bind people together in a workable society ; in Wealth of the nations he assumed the existence of a just society and showed how the individual is guided and limited by economic forces in the later book however Smith did sometimes...