Early Choldhood Learning

Today, the teaching of babies by their parents is typically limited to things such as how to say simple words like 'Mommy' and 'Daddy,' identifying body parts, and how to play simple games. In general, an infant is mostly left alone to do whatever he seems to enjoy doing, without much active involvement from the parents to actually teach him anything much beyond that. Things such as reading and math would usually be left until kindergarten (age of four) or, more often than not, primary school (age of six).

This is generally due to one or more of the following beliefs:
• Children should just have fun and be happy in the early years, and learning things such as reading and maths is not fun, and would make them miserable;
Adults often think back to their days of schooling where nothing could have been more painful then than sitting in a class listening to the teacher talk about the different ways of conjugating a verb when all they wanted to do was to play outside with their friends.
The truth is, babies absolutely LOVE to learn and they focus their entire attention on the words and get upset when the session ends.
• Children are incapable of learning complex things such as reading and math at such a young age;
This is probably one of the greatest myths. Believing so is also probably one of the biggest mistakes   a parent could ever commit from the point of view of the infant. Early-learning expert Dr. Glenn Doman, who has spent more than half a century in the field, says, "Every child born has, at the instant of birth, a greater potential intelligence than Leonardo Da Vinci ever used."
• Teaching infants things such as reading and math now may put them off both subjects in the future.
Unless a child is constantly forced to learn when he clearly does not want to, then in actuality it is quite the contrary. In the case of reading, for example, it has been shown again and again that babies who are exposed to words and taught to read in a...