E111 Tma03

Observing and assessing children
My main objectives for this assignment are to demonstrate my awareness and understanding of:
  * Observing children in the classroom
  * Assessment based on the observation; and
  * The practice related to the observation and assessment of children.
In accordance with the ethical guidelines written by The British Educational Research Association (BERA, 2011) I have used pseudonyms to protect the confidentiality and anonymity of those included in my research.
Pen Portrait
Following consultation with a class teacher I decided that observing a child in another year group would be the most appropriate. I will be referring to the child as ‘Child A’ for confidentiality
Child A has been on roll since Reception and is currently a pupil in the Year 5 class. He is of smaller build and height to his peers; is always well presented and in correct school uniform. He is considered a sensitive pupil and it is common knowledge throughout the school that his disruptive behaviour can impact on other classes.
Stacey et al (2013, pg 21) suggests in order to ‘develop a fuller understanding of a child you are likely to need other information to supplement your observation’ in order to access this information I arranged a discussion with the Special Educational needs Coordinator (SENCO). (KU 1.2) (KU 1.3)
The meeting outlined that Child A has presented challenging behaviour throughout his years at the school and some teaching staff have developed strategies that have enabled him to be included in the class curriculum learning better than others. It is the view of the school and Child A’s parents that there may be deeper underlining issues to his behaviour. In more recent months his parents have tried to obtain a diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) but have failed. He is under achieving and below expected progress in core curriculum subjects but excels in non-core curriculum subjects such as music and art. (KU1.4)...