Duty of Care


1. What is your duty of care and who is it to?

Duty of care is to:
• keep the individuals safe
• keep the individuals free from harm
• respect and to give choice.
People we support, other staff, families, professionals etc

2. How does your duty of care affect your role?

The duty of care affects own role by so many ways:

Example if the individual does not understand or I cannot understand the individual. If the individual cannot use sign language or pictures then this becomes a barrier.

Individual rights:
Everybody has rights to choose their support, e.g. if an individual does not want to be supported by female staff and there is no male staff on shift then this becomes a problem as we have to respect the individuals rights but it also becomes a concern.

Policies and procedures:
Follow the proper rules of moving and handling according to the training. Code of conduct policies.

Culture differences: Sometimes people of different cultures does not want female staff to support them with personal care then it disadvantage female staff .Individuals want to play games but they do not want certain sex to play then it becomes a problem because everybody has to be included.

3. How does your duty of care contribute to the safeguarding of those you support and other individuals?

Duty of care contributes to the safeguarding of those we support by preventing abuse, weather this is in a sexual, physical or emotional harmful ways. Help keep respect and dignity.
We can do this by:
• having done risk assessments and precautions taken to avoid accidents or the spreading of infections.
• following the correct procedures,
• setting clear boundaries for them depending on age, stage and development
• discouraging any behaviour, which could result in a person being harmed or upset.

4. Why is it important to offer people a method to complain and how can you implement this within your practise?