Dulce Et Decorum Est Comparison

Dulce et decorum est comparison

The first draft of the poem was a letter addressed to a woman named Jessie Pope, who was a civilian propagandist of World War I, who encouraged—"with such high zest"—young men to join the battle, through her poetry.
At the beginning Wilfred Owen uses descriptive words to make the reader see a specific image of what he wants   us to see or even feel.
“Knock-kneed, coughing like hags, we cursed through sludge…” which is used until last draft shows us that the soldiers were tired but so tired they were brought down to beggars.

The “disappointed shells that dropped behind”, perhaps were disappointed because they were missing their target but soon “somewhere near in front”, explodes a missile and Owen asks, “ Gas-shells or duds?”. Not sure of what is was they still fitted “ the clumsy helmets just in time”.
He made a remark which I found interesting which was, “ Then smartly Poison hit us in the face” showing that he had thought that what the enemy had done   was very smart, emphasizing the word poison with a capital P.

One of the men didn’t make it on time and Owens describes the scene in a sort of “dim green light as under a thick sea” as he saw the man drowning because of the gas. Maybe he described it as green light because the lens of his mask   might have been green themselves, giving the poet such an effect of green sea.

This quote   “In all your dreams if you could slowly pace behind the wagon that we laid him in”, tries to make you watch the scene as if you were one of them looking at the horrible sight of, “The blood come blenching black frothy from the lungs…” someone   just standing there looking at the man without being able to help because all you could do was watch him as he died in horrible pain.
Owen describes then man’s face before he died, as a “bud.. fresh as a young country rose….”showing what an innocent face the soldier had before his death an the final message Owen tries to tell is, is that its...