
Dtlls Task 1
Discuss the purpose of resources in relation to effective practice.
The discussion that bloomed during the first reflective period highlighted that there are endless resources available for us to use, all of which have their “pros and cons”, but which are sometimes misused or do not take into consideration of what would provide a complete and encompassing resource.
To establish the correct resource, we have to remove ourselves from the teacher role and place ourselves in the seat of the student. Approaching the development of a resource from the “customers” point of view it will be sympathetic to their needs and therefore more easily received and understood. Although the instructor would approach the resource from the student’s side, the desired end effect would still be considered, producing a resource that “ticks every box”.
A single resource cannot cater for each learning style, therefore a teacher must deliver a four pronged lesson if they wish to indulge all of their students learning styles, we agreed that PowerPoint is a valuable asset but, its seldom used to it full affect, it tends to lean towards, as shown in Honey, P & Mumford, A, (1982). The Manual of Learning Styles. Maidenhead, UK, Peter Honey Publications, the Reflector who receives information by observation and reflection, this is resource also effects another learning style the Activist who, like the reflector desires a solid conclusion, the Activist needs to experiment and “play” with the idea, which a typical didactic PowerPoint does not allow. The simple whiteboard is a underestimated asset that provides interaction and an opportunity for growth driven and owned by the student, looking through the eyes of each learning style by presenting an idea, allowing the idea to flourish and concluding the idea, the simple white board can indulge in all of the learning styles and become a powerful learning resource. It was discussed that the interactive whiteboard or “Smart boards”...