Dttls Pel

Part Three-Theory.

Referring to initial assessment, Gravells(2008) states “if you are going to assess your learners you need to know what you are going to assess and then decide how to do this.”
Discussing questioning she suggests using questions not requiring yes/no answers, stating that questions can inform whether learners have the knowledge to back up skills. Petty (2009) notes, however, that questioning students on their qualifications   won’t prove what they know. He suggests using questionnaires to discover learning styles and utilising results in a constructively. This is reinforced by Gravells; “phrase questions carefully; poor answers are often the result of poor questions.” She goes on to suggest initial assessment can aid this with information for future learning.
Gravells and Simpson (2009) suggest interviews and discussions are useful for discovering   student’s aspirations and learning styles. Gravells (2008) advocates carefully worded questions to ascertain required responses.
Whist Gravells and Simpson (2009) discuss application and enrolment forms as methods to discover previous experience, Petty argues their standardised questions are limiting. He suggests interviews are a more practical method; containing set questions and a less structured discussion.
Petty and Gravells use evidence of previous qualifications within initial assessment; however Gravells expresses concern that authenticity is checked. Another concern is that testing and marking schemes are consistent, though she acknowledges their place in indicating learner’s levels.
Petty asses Individual Learning Plans (ILP) completed by teachers as records not just for academic achievement but also for additional information. Gravells endorses them as a way of checking the individual writing skills of learners.
Petty, Gravells, Simpson and Wilson divide goals into sections. Gravells and Simpson discuss long term goals as covering the whole program.   Petty believes these goals should...