Drugs and the Justice System

CHAPTER 1 (selected review questions pp. 19-20)
1. What is a drug?
Both positive and negative connotation; psychoactive chemical substance that affects the central nervous system (brain+ spinal cord)
2. What are the three categories of drugs?
Depressants: slow down CNS (alcohol
Stimulants: speed up CNS (caffeine)
Hallucinogens: alter perceptual functions (LSD)
3. What are the most commonly abused drugs overall?
Marijuana, opioids, stimulants, depressants  
4. Why is our knowledge of those who use drugs skewed toward compulsive users?
Noncompulsive users have received very little research attention because they are hard to find.
5. What is the difference between legal and illegal drugs?
Legal drugs are the ones that can be bought over the counter or one has acquired a prescription for
Illegal drugs are drugs that are not allowed
6. What is a “moral panic”?
When the public views something very threatening to society/social order
7. When can drug use be labeled drug abuse and drug addiction?
Drug abuse is just misuse of the drug
Drug addiction is the chronic use and seeking
8. What is the drug use continuum?
Nonuse-> experimental use-> socially-endorsed use -> recreational use -> compulsive use
9. What is Goldstein’s tripartite model of considering the link between drugs and crime?
Pharmacological: crime is a result of a response to intoxication
Economic Compulsive: crimes is driven by the need to get drugs
Systemic/Lifestyle: crime is associated with the drug
10. What four indictors provide information on drug use? What are the limitations of each?
National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH)
Reliability of responses
Sample bias
Comprehension of questions
Monitoring The Future (MTF)
Reliability of responses
Sample bias
Late in detecting new trends
Drug Abuse Warning Network
Reporter variation
Incomplete reporting
Reporting delays
Arrestee Drug Abuse Monitoring
Minimum estimates for males