Dream That Never Go Away

Chapter 1
Dreaming about a girl getting kidnap by a Bad King
As she was walking early Friday morning and she was walking down her parents driveway and she was wearing her fancy pajamas and fancy robe at the gate she saw a black moving truck. The security asks who are they here to see and they said the Good King’s Daughter. The family is asleep who is this walking down here it is the Good King’s Daughter. The security asks the men who is their leader and they said the Bad King and the security asks them why are they here and they said they are here to kidnap the Good King’s Daughter. The security told the Good King’s Daughter to go back to the house, but one of the men got her before she can get to the house and the man tied her up and put her in the truck and they turn around and left. The security walkie talkie the other security in the house and woke up the Good King and said that his daughter was kidnapped this early in the morning and the Good King told his wife that their daughter got kidnapped and the guard told them that she is sent to see the Bad King and the Bad King is going to put her in the dungeon if she doesn’t do what he said and after a certain amount of years in the dungeon that they will hang her for her punishment and disobedience.
At the Bad King’s house the guards brought the Good King’s Daughter in the house and took the tape off and the Bad King said why does she have her pajamas that how she was when we got to her house. The guards took her to a room where there some clothes for she has to put on and the guards unchained her when she finished she walked out the guards was right there and chained her and brought her back to the Bad King and the Bad King said take her to her room and chained her to the bed and in the morning I will give her a job to do that is clean up the family room while having chains on. She ask him does she have to be chained on my face he said no and she ask him when she finished the family room what to do next he...