Drawing on What You Have Learned from the Making Social Lives Dvd and Learning Companion 1, Describe Some Inequalities on City Road

Drawing on what you have learned from the Making Social Lives DVD and Learning Companion 1, describe some inequalities on City Road.

I have explored some of the inequalities on City Road. Learning Companion   1 suggests that 'inequality refers to the unequal distribution of valued social resources within a society or between societies (Blakely et al.,2012, p. 24). City Road is a great example. I have chosen to write about the traffic and use of the roads and pavements, how the shops on city road make residents feel left out, how time affects people opinions and finally how a lot of inequalities are merely perceived.

The first thing I noticed about City Road was traffic. The road is used by many drivers who pass through on their way to somewhere else. Add that to the traffic of people who live and work on City Road and it gets easily congested. I observed in the Making Social Lives DVD (2009), that there was a fight for road space. Buses fighting for right of way and a possible bus lane to be installed, which would push the car drivers aside. The cars and the large 5 road, historically named Death Junction, makes City Road by day a difficult place for pedestrians. While it may be easy for a young able bodied student. It would be more of a challenge for a less able bodied person who may be in a wheelchair.

Another inequality I gleaned from the Making Social Lives DVD (2009) was the range of shops trading on City Road. The majority of outlets are restaurants and takeaways aimed at young students. These businesses have changed over the years, which has made the older generation feel more excluded. What was once familiar and safe territory became unfamiliar, they lost that sense of belonging and safety. The users of The Municipal Club are prime examples of this. One of the members states 'it used to be a road you could walk up day or night and you wouldn't be afraid. Today, I wouldn't'. The change in activities available to the older generation has reduced too....