Dq 2 Hca

If I had to promote open communication between patients and caregivers I would   consider some environmental reconstruction; when someone takes a trip to the doctor office or who is admitted into the hospital he or she wants to feel comfortable because for one he or she are probably extremely nervous, depending on the visit, and for two he or she are outside of his or her comfort zone, so it is very important that patients feel comfortable.

Instead of displaying so many pictures of hearts and body charts, break it up with a few peaceful pictures, maybe a plant, neutral colors.   Also use couches instead of uncomfortable chairs, why not beds instead of examination tables; these are just some of the items that can help a patient feel more comfortable. Another thing is that patients want to believe he or she is involved in the decision-making about his or her health.

They do not just want everyone else to be involved and not themselves. In places like hospitals, clinics, and other larger open facilities a patient may not feel so involved because there is much else going on around him or her. That he or she also because it is open space, other people are prone to hear private information about the patient, which violates his or her privacy rights.

Although there are many verbal and nonverbal gestures that can help welcome open communication. Some nonverbal gestures would be to look interested in what the patient has to say, if a patient is talking and I am reading the next patients chart, the patient may become discouraged and shut down. Paying attention to the patient’s nonverbal gestures is very important as well, the patient may be too nervous to express the problem. If a care provider can pick up on his or her body language that something is wrong maybe a care provider would be able to coach him or her into opening up.

Some verbal encouragement can be reassuring the patient, not rushing, possibly humor to break the ice, avoid rush, receive patient...