
Doors are important because everyday you open a door whether it's a door to your school, mind ,or heart. Even though doors don't seem that significant they must be because they are a part of basically every body's day. Sometimes opening a door can be a challenge especially if it's to someone Else's mind or heart, because then you have to have that person trust you and you have to be understanding.

One of the most important doors to me is my bedroom door. My bedroom door is significant because I use it a lot . When I'm having a bad day I can go in my room and shut the door, and know it will be quiet and it's my space to think, laugh or cry to myself if I need too. Or if I'm doing my homework and I need to concentrate, the first thing I do is go into my room and shut the door and do what I have to get done. If I am in my room I usually leave my doors open so people feel free to come in when they please. But when my door is shut it means you should probably knock or just leave me alone because I usually don't want to be bothered.

My door to my room opens up to my think space it my space to do whatever I feel like doing. When I'm in my room I can imagine anything because it's my own little private space I can think what I want or express myself anyway I want to. My door makes it ten times better because if I didn't have my door I would feel like have no privacy. Say for example, one day I wasn't having a good day so I went in my room shut my door, laid in my bed and watch a movie until I was feeling better. I wasn't bothered because my door was shut. Sometimes after school I enjoy going into my room and just listening to music loud to get my mind off things, but without my door shut my mom and everyone else in my house would get annoyed of my music but when my door is shut you can't really hear it.

Another door I use basically everyday is the door to my mind. When I need to concentrate on something is when I use the door to my mind the most. Sometime in class...