Does My Head Look Big in This

Determination and resilience will overcome adversity. Good morning to you all thank you for inviting me here today to talk you, the youth of 2009 on overcoming adversity. These ideas of overcoming adversity can be closely seen through the novel of ‘Does my head look big in this’ by Randa Abdel-Fattah which is linked to the song ‘Walking Away’ by Craig David. Through both of these texts, it predominantly focuses on the concept of overcoming adversity through strong religious and ethical backgrounds. The novel ‘Does my head look big in this’ Randa Fattah explores the barriers between religious and ethical backgrounds, this is particularly shown through the themes in the novel of Amal’s freedom to choose, in terms of wearing the hijab and her life as an outsider. Techniques that are explored include: the repetition of words and ideas, visual imageries and a sense of humour to create a deeper meaning. Through analysing Craig David’s lyrics of ‘Walking Away’, it explores the themes of hope and self identity in building up the confidence to break down the barriers and solve the obstacles he is faced with. In this context Craig David effectively shows this through the use of colloquial language, oral imagery and principally highlights a personal journey, the slow and repetitive melody helps create a softer and reflective mood to the audience. Through both of these texts the composer reveals to the responder a deeper understanding of overcoming adversity through determination and resilience.

Randa Fattah closely analyses the racial and religious barriers that Amal experiences with her journey in making an imperative decision. The author highlights the journey of Amal and her freedom to choose in terms of wearing the hijab. This explores the relationships of family and friends, and how their opinions differ to those of Amal. She begins to realise the various barriers that she needs to overcome in order to eliminate the adversity that she experiences as a result of her...