Diploma in Education and Training

Learning outcome1
Analyse the theories
There is no one, clear, universal explanation of how we learn or a subsequent guidebook as to how we should teach. Rather, there are a range of theories, each with their background in a different psychological and epistemological tradition. To understand learning then, we have to understand the theories and the rationale behind them.   Following are some of the key theorist that have influenced the discipline of education.

Fredrick Jones (2000): theory is a non-adversarial method which requires that teacher’s help students learn to develop self-control. By employing appropriate body language, making use of an incentive system and efficiently assisting pupils, teachers help students control themselves.   Learning self-control empowers students and prepares them for the future.

Albert Bandura (1997): developed the Social Learning theory based on the theory of personality. He posits that people learn from one another, via observation, imitation, and modelling. His theory has often been called a bridge between behaviourist and cognitive learning theories because it encompasses attention, memory, and motivation. He defined self-efficacy as the "beliefs in one's capability to organize and execute the courses of action required to manage prospective situations".   Self-efficacy is a central component in managing classrooms today.

William Glasser (1997): His Reality and Choice theories state that students need to have an awareness of their responsibility and to make their own decisions about their learning and behaviour in the classroom, students must have a choice and that if they help choose their curriculum and decide on the rules in the classroom, they will then have ownership of their learning, have pride in their participation, will have higher self-esteem and will exhibit greater levels of self-confidence and higher levels of cognition.   This approach to classroom management creates a safe space to learn, as mainly it is their...