Dine Equity

A. What elements of the performance management cycle in Figure 9-1 are evident in Stewart’s comments?

I believe Stewart touches on all three of the elements of the performance management cycle; goal setting, feedback and coaching, and rewards and positive reinforcement. She touched on goal setting when she asked "did you see how well this was done?" Through this question I believe that she was encouraging employees to learn by observation and this would fire them up to perform better. She provided feedback and coaching to the employees when she had people gather around so they could see what had gone right and what could be done even better the next time.   Rewards and positive reinforcement were covered when Stewart gave praise, compliments and said thank you.

B. Is Julia Stewart a good role model for how to generate employee engagement and motivate the employees in her company’s restaurants? Explain.

I believe that Julia Stewart is a good role model for how to generate employee engagement and how to motivate the employees in her company’s restaurants. I think Julia makes the employees feel valued by the way she interacts with them. This industry usually doesn't pay very much so by taking the time to engage, praise and compliment her employees I believe she hits intrinsic motivation. The restaurant industry is typically known for high turnover rates, and I feel that Julia does a great job on building value in her employees; this will ultimately lead to less attrition.

C. In terms of Thomas’s four building blocks in Figure 9-3, how would you rate Stewart’s “teaching” style of management for generating intrinsic motivation in her employees? Explain.
I think Julia Stewart's management style emphasizes all four of the building blocks. Julia meets meaningfulness because she has a clear vision for the company and she also has passion and promotes passion within her employees. Julia definitely gives positive feedback, skill recognition and provides the...