Developmental Stages.

1.1 Describe the expected pattern of children and young people’s development from birth to 19 years, to include physical development, communication and intellectual development, social, emotional and behavioural development.
There are many expected patterns of development that children and young people from birth to 19 go through. These all include PILES. There are two types of physical this is growth and development. Physical growth is about how children and young people grow in height and weight. Physical development is about the skills they gain by controlling their body.
With physical development it means the body increases skills in is performance Children’s physical development follows a pattern first the child will learn simple things first for example they will learn to sit before they learn to stand up. They learn to sit up by using bumbo chairs which help them learn to how sit supported. Then they will learn to stand up before they walk for example before the walk they have to learn to stand so they may pull themselves up on to furniture by holding on to it or using different objects. They will then learn complex movements for example they will learn to walk before they learn to skip. To walk they will use walkers to keep them supported whilst they are standing and gives them support whilst they are walking. They may also use objects to hold on to for example the sofa and they may begin to walk whilst holding on to it to get to the other side. They will then learn to control and coordinate their head this means that they will learn to hold their head up. They will then work down to their arms, hands they will learn how to point with their fingers, back, legs they will learn how to kick their legs and feet. The will then learn how to coordinate their arms using gross motor skills so they can reach for an object they will learn this before they learn the fine motor skills this is the control of their hands and fingers so they can pick items up. They will...