Developing a Performance Appraisal System

Each organization has its own goals and values, and its own plan in which to reach those goals. There is one thing that every organization does have in common; the need and desire to attain the goals that they have put into place. There is one thing that seems to ring true for each and every organization, the attainability of any organizations goals rests completely with its personnel. The more prepared and knowledgeable the personnel are the greater chance that the organization will succeed in reaching its goals. Performance appraisal provides an avenue to be able to accomplish this mission. According to "Introduction: performance Appraisal" (2010), “Performance appraisal may be defined as a structured formal interaction between a subordinate and supervisor, that usually takes the form of a periodic interview (annual or semi-annual), in which the work performance of the subordinate is examined and discussed, with a view to identifying weaknesses and strengths as well as opportunities for improvement and skills development.” The employee is able to give his or her opinions and hear the opinions and expectations of the organization. There are many purposes of a performance appraisal system. It is important that each and every employee understands what type of appraisal system that the organization has put into place, why the appraisal system is necessary and how it will benefit the organization as well as the employee in reaching their goals. The purpose of a performance appraisal system can range from everything to providing feedback to an employee, identifying better preforming employees as well as the poorer preforming employees and what to do with each employee to better the organization, determining skill gaps, setting goals and rewarding employee achievements as well as supporting an organizations values and goals. A successful appraisal system can have many positive results while a poor appraisal system can have the opposite effect.
A successful performance...