Describe the Expected Pattern of Children and Young People's Development from Birth to 19 Years to Include

Unit 1 Child and Young Person Development

Task 1.1 Describe the expected pattern of children and young people’s development from birth to 19 years to include;


0-3 years

In early years babies develop physically at a very fast and rapid pace. Newborns have very little control over their bodies and movements. Most of their movements are based on muscle reflexes such as sucking and grasping onto fingers when placed in their palm. During the first year they gradually develop more control over their bodies and this helps them to move around by crawling or rolling, shuffling. By 12 months of age they more refined gross motor movements and continue to develop at a rapid rate, which allows them to progress from sitting with support to sitting alone, rolling over from tummy to back, begin to creep, crawl and shuffle on their bottoms, pull against adults hands and furniture to stand up whiles holding on. They begin to walk whilst holding on to reach source of food and feed themselves, look for hidden things, raise arms to be lifted.

Between one and two years of age most children will start to walk and sit alone, they can   push and pull toys whilst walking and climbing upstairs and on furniture.   Their fine motor skills also become better and this means they can use their thumb and fingers to grip and feed themselves.

In the third year, children develop have better gross motor skills and are able do things like kicking ball, running, jumping, hopping, kneeling to play, throwing, building larger towers. Their fine motor skills are also more refined which means they use pencils to make marks and circular scribbles, they can dress and undress and do things like doing and undoing   buttons, zips.

3-7 years

During this time children become more confident and can manage more coordinated movements.   They are able to hop and stand on one foot, go upstairs and downstairs without support, kicking ball forward, moving with more agility, run...