Describe How People in the Setting Are Made Aware of Risks and Hazards and Encouraged to Work Safely.

The staff and students at this setting are made aware of any potential risks and hazards through excellent induction training days, which work alongside the the EYFS framework. The setting also has a health and safety officer to whom any significant incidents and hazards are reported. This training covers all aspects of health and safety in numerous environments such as:
?Manual handling (six steps to safe handling)
Accidents - RIDDOR (reporting any serious accident or incident)
Risk assessments - meetings held regularly
Welfare facilities - toilets, clean washrooms, drinking water etc
First aid - appointed first aiders every day
COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health) -   keeping all dangerous substances locked away and out of reach of children. Only caretakers and cleaning staff have access to cleaning detergents, and the school is only cleaned after school hours.
Slips and falls - ensuring floors are dry at all times; warning signs / cones used for spillages etc

There are also posters and signs displayed throughout the setting as well as information on display. These include:
CAUTION SLIPPING HAZARD - used for wet floor incidents
NO PARKING - stops tripping hazards during school hours
Health and safety law poster displayed in the hallways
NUT FREE ZONE - no nuts allowed in school to protect allergy sufferers
NO BULLY ZONE - ensures awareness that bullying is not tolerated in school
FIRE EXIT signs - colour coded fire extinguishers, fire blankets etc
These signs and policies all ensure that staff and children are aware of all potential risks and hazards. As well as posters and signs, letters are also sent home concerning any issues regarding any new situations or circumstances within the school to ensure parental awareness. For example, issues such as head lice in school, or strangers hanging around school during school hours etc.