Describe How a Lack of Access to Services Can Help to Create Marginalised Groups in Rural Areas.

Describe how a lack of access to services can help to create marginalised groups in rural


Marginalisation is the process by which a certain group of people becomes unable to

participate fully in a society; they are excluded and confined to the edge. In Cornwall

(South-West England), the elderly, disabled and single mothers are marginalised due to a

lack of access to services.

The elderly in Cornwall’s poorer regions such as St Blazey and Penwithick have minimal

access to healthcare due to the lack of hospitals. A questionnaire I undertook in St Blazey

found that the nearest hospital was 20 miles away; this makes the elderly unable to access

healthcare as may not be able to drive and cannot walk this distance. Older people are

more in need of healthcare so the lack of hospitals in poorer Cornwall marginalizes this

group of people.

Disabled are also marginalised due to the lack of public transport and dispersed nature of

services. Disabled people become unable to commute without public transport and thus

don’t have access to leisure facilities and sources of entertainment. A 2002 study in

Tregony found that 90% of people did not have access to a cinema. This causes a lower

quality of life for the disabled who are confined to their houses.

Single mothers are further victims of marginalisation in Cornwall. There is limited provision

of creches and child day care centres in Cornwall (an interview with a local revealed that

he hadn’t seen a creche service in Cornwall) and so mothers have to remain with their

children while they are still dependent. As a consequence, single mothers fail to find work

and become economically crippled. Many will have to rely on benefits which will provide

them with a low standard of living. The effect of no services for children care is therefore

that single mothers become marginalised.

The lack of access to services that is endemic in rural...