Dementia Awareness

Level 2 Award in Awareness of Dementia (3565-21)

Unit 201- Dementia Awareness

Dementia is a word used to describe a number of different symptoms that relate to brain diseases. An example of this is Alzheimer’s disease.
The key functions of the brain that become affected by dementia are:
Frontal Lobe – this is responsible for decision making, problem solving and controlling behaviour and emotions.
Temporal Lobe - this is responsible for memory, language, hearting and learning.
Parietal Lobe – this is responsible for sensory information from the body. Also, this is where all the information we gather gets put into order.
Occipital Lobe – this is responsible for processing al information related to vision.
Cerebellum Lobe – this is the biggest part of the brain. Its responsible for our thoughts, memories, attention and our consciousness.
Hippocampus – this is responsible for forming, organizing and storing our emotions.
Depression, delirium and age related memory impairment can get mistaken for dementia as they all share similar symptoms.
  * A change in sleeping patterns
  * Difficulties in concentrating and making decisions
  * Memory problems
The medical model of dementia is all about the clinical approach. It only focusses on treating the symptoms with medication and it only looks at the negative aspects of dementia and the ill-being of the individual living with dementia.
The social model of dementia is more focused on the individual and the effects holistically. It tries to understand the emotions and behaviours while promoting the well-being of each individual living with dementia.
Dementia is not a disease, it’s an illness.   Most individuals living with this illness are not even aware of there being anything wrong with them. If society viewed dementia as a disability, we may start to gain a better understanding of dementia and therefore be able to offer a more self-centred approach to people who live with...