Deisgn and Technology

Project proposal and management………………………………………
Identification and exploration of the needs………………………….
Areas of investigation…………………………………………………………
Criteria to evaluate success…………………………………………………
Time action plan………………………………………………………………...
Finance plan………………………………………………………………………
Selection of resources…………………………………………………………
Selection of ideas………………………………………………………………..
Project development and realization…………………………………...
Evidence of creativity…………………………………………………………
Consideration of the design factors……………………………………..
Documentation of research and testing………………………………
Evidence of testing…………………………………………………………….
Identification and justification of ideas and resources………….
Evidence of application of practical skills…………………………….
Commercial and industrial processes………………………………….
The functional and aesthetic aspects of the design………………
Final evaluation of the project on environment and society…
Final evaluation of the success of the project………………………
Improvements that can be made…………………………………………

Project proposal and management
Identification and exploration of the needs
Identification of the need to develop the project
The Automatic cat feed
The automatic cat feeder will ensure that busy schedules and long work hours will not prevent pet owners from consistently implementing, portion controlled servings of food to their pets.

What: An automatic cat feeder that feeds pets at a regular interval each day with a certain amount of food being dispensed each time.
Who: The automatic cat feeder will be used by pet owners who either need to leave their pets at home alone for short periods of time or do not have time during the day to feed their pets at regular intervals throughout the day.
When:   This product will be used when pet owners have a busy schedule and need to leave there pets at home for a...